래와 같이 금주 수요일 연사초청 특강을 공지합니다. 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다(강연자가 원어민인 관계로 특강은 영어로 진행될 예정입니다).

1. 일시: 2022. 12. 21(수요일) 오후 2시

2. 장소: 중앙광장 지하1층 CCL 이벤트홀

3. 강연자:

David Lee / CCO(Chief Creative Officer) at Squarespace

4. 특강 제목:

Your brand is greater than the sum of its parts.

5. 내용 요약:

Please join David Lee who will talk about his personal journey to becoming the Chief Creative Officer at Squarespace and discuss the importance of how every design touchpoint where people use your product, to every media touchpoint where people encounter your brand is an opportunity to tell a story.